Monday, August 29, 2011

Mythostre: Maae Manie Character Design 3

Chaos, the Valistus, is a creature with no race or brethren. Valistus also means it is nether part god, or spirit, but an entity before them.

The rule of Chaos has begun again upon a world a new. Like all great begins, new gods are born in its destructive wake, and Nature’s spirits are in power. Humanities beginning is in the mists of their survival from their environmental neighbors. War and slaughter is all creation knows. Until that day, when champions fall and a child of victims claims no more.

“Maae Manie vale, Tunik e Nusa neida e Manei”
“My love is shadow, begetting the light of the perfect world.”

Saturday, August 27, 2011

WWTD - Test Page and New Character Designs

So after deciding that I have too little time to make a very realistic looking comic I've reverted back to my very animated looking style. In a way I kind of like it more, someone commented that it reminded them of peanuts which is awesome. And here is a rough test page of what the comic is going to look like.

P.S. Which coat do you like more on the main character Justin, the black or the dark grey?

Mythostre: Maae Manie Character Design 2

Character sheet #2

        Manie is the main character. This entire comic revolves around Manie's growth and his story of being the first 'hero' in the Mythostre series. Nusa and is the love interest for Manie.

       After Manie and Nusa's story arc, humanity places 'Nusa' as the word for light, and 'Manie' as the world for love/gift.

“Maae Manie vale, Tunik e Nusa neida e Manei”
“My love is shadow, begetting the light of the perfect world.”

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

WWTD - Concept Work

Something that won't be able to happen in the book.

Some preliminary sketches before I start on the comics. I have them laid out it's just so intimidating to start on a blank page. . .

Monday, August 22, 2011

Mythostre: Maae Manie Character Design 1

(Note: Originally going to release Nusa and Manie's characters sheet, but due to computer going in to be wiped and worked on, Manie's sheet has been put on hold. For now this will have to due. Oh, and I will be fixing up this drawing by removing under 'grey lines' but once again, computer issues are in the way.)
Nusa is Manie's love interest as appeared on the preview with Manie himself. Nusa is a major character, but is not seen until main character Manie is older. Nusa is an 'untouchable' due to her distorted features and outcast-ed upon 'forgotten' hill. Her job is to help Manie is his quests.
After Manie and Nusa's story arc, humanity places 'Nusa' as the word for light, and 'Manie' as the world for love/gift

“Maae Manie vale, Tunik e Nusa neida e Manei”
My love is shadow, begetting the light of the perfect world.”


Sunday, August 21, 2011

Mythostre: Maae Manie

Note: Just a preview, not actual cover.

Mythostre is a mythology series.
Maae Manie is the first story of chaos in mythology.

The rule of Chaos has begun again upon a world a new. Like all great begins, new gods are born in its destructive wake, and Nature’s spirits are in power. Humanities beginning is in the mists of their survival from their environmental neighbors. War and slaughter is all creation knows. Until that day, when champions fall and a child of victims claims no more.

“Maae Manie vale, Tunik e Nusa neida e Manei”
My love is shadow, begetting the light of the perfect world.”

WWTD - Really Rough Thumbnails

I cannot tell you how much I love thumbnails! There's no expectations for them and there is so much activity and movement, it's completely wonderful to me. Now onto the hard part, critiquing them and making them bigger before doing the final pages.

- Kendall

Friday, August 12, 2011

Walking With The Dead

Justin is a screenwriter working in San Francisco. When a fellow writer sacrifices herself to save him from death he begins to see spirits. Many of them like Cleo (the one who saved him) seek him out for his help with a problem or a way to pass over. Along with trying to conquer his psychological paranoia problems he now has to deal with the paranormal.



Rough Cover

Created by Kendall Robinson

Zealous Comics

A group of artists coming together to sell individual works as a team.

The group members are:

Jessie Cuffe -

A.M. Froelicher

Kendall Robinson -

Kyle Rowen

David Wentworth

We will be posting examples of our work and what we will be selling at upcoming exhibits.
Looking forward to seeing this blog grow,